In order to move forward with an investment plan, we need to understand the details of financial your life. This natural sequence forms the basis for all the actual planning work that will follow – after all, it’s impossible to analyze a client’s situation, make recommendations, and implement them, if the advisor doesn’t have the underlying data in the first place.
However, we realize that like most people, your financial life probably isn’t in perfect order already. Statements end out buried in drawers and at the bottom of piles. Insurance policies are who-knows-where. Sometimes we even lose track of old accounts.
So at our first meeting, we’re going to work together to help you get organized. Please collect whatever financial information you can easily put your hands on. Please send over what you have when available and we’ll work with you to sort through it. If your accounts are mostly set up online, we’ll help you track those down too.
By the end of this process, though, our goal is to help you have a complete and organized financial file. Upon getting your financial information in good order, and set you up with a system to keep things organized in the future. And along the way, we’ll gather the details we need to take your financial plan to the next stage.
Please email the completed from back to us at
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